因為要上傳影片到 Youtube
可是在 Mac OS X 下好像沒有好用的軟體
可又不想用 Quicktime 來一個一個手動分割
寫了一個 AppleScript
File name : splite.scpt
[sourcecode language="text"]
Splite Quicktime Movie into equally sized for Youtube
YF Chen
set sourceFile to choose file with prompt "choose video file as source"
set theFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose a folder for the slices:") as text
tell application "Finder"
my splitteVideo(sourceFile, theFolder)
end tell
on splitteVideo(sourceFile, theFolder)
tell application "QuickTime Player 7"
open sourceFile
on error
display dialog "Open a movie first" buttons ["OK"] with title "Error"
end try
-- get active movie
set sourceDoc to document 1
set theDuration to duration of sourceDoc
set theTitle to name of sourceDoc
set DurOverlap to 2 -- 2sec overlaping
set DurScal to (90 * 1000)
-- calculate segments
set DurCut to (9 * 60) -- 9 min
set DurDoc to (duration of sourceDoc) / DurScal
set NumOfSeg to DurDoc div DurCut
-- loop each segment
repeat with i from 0 to NumOfSeg
-- set segment selection
set durStart to (i * DurCut) * DurScal
set durEnd to ((i + 1) * DurCut + DurOverlap) * DurScal
if durEnd > theDuration then
set durEnd to theDuration
end if
set selection start of sourceDoc to durStart
set selection end of sourceDoc to durEnd
-- copy selection into new movie
copy sourceDoc
set newdoc to make new document
paste newdoc
set theSlice to i as integer as string
set theFile to (theTitle & "_" & theSlice) & ".mov" as string
set theFile_full to (theFolder & theFile) as string
save self contained newdoc in theFile_full
end try
close document theFile
end repeat
close sourceDoc
end tell
end splitteVideo